Find EO products in the catalogue

Starting from the list of the discovered indices, you can ask for datasets in specific index with the following query:

opensearch-client “<index>/search” <property_key>

For example let’s explore datasets contained in sentinel1 index. We ask for the identifier and enclosure. Regarding sentinel1 we have two indices, sentinel1 and sentinel1-aux (for auxiliary data)

opensearch-client “” identifier,enclosure

It returns a list with the first 20 elements with their enclosure.
The same query can be done in a browser just using the URL. In this case no metadata properties can be specified and the result will be the whole atom feed format document.

Add query filters

You can ask for data with filtering parameters. opensearch-client allows to specify params in two forms:

opensearch-client -f <format> -p <parameter1>=<value1> -p <parameter2>=<value2> -p… “<index>/search" {}

(or specifying the properties keyword wrt the data model used)

or specifying the parameters into the URL:

opensearch-client "<index>/search?format=<format>&<parameter1>=<value1>&<parameter2>=value” identifier,enclosure

For example let’s look for all Sentinel-1 datasets in the specific time range [2016-09-06T00:00:00, 2016-09-06T12:00:00], intersecting our AOI having lower left corner = (60,-30) and upper right corner = (70,-20).
In order to check the correctness of the results we request request the four metadata properties identifiers, wkt, startdate and enddate:

opensearch-client -f atom -p count=unlimited -p start=2016-09-06T00:00:00Z -p stop=2016-09-06T12:00:00Z -p bbox=60,-30,70,-20 "" identifier,wkt,startdate,enddate

the result is a four items list:

S1A_EW_GRDM_1SDV_20160906T013847_20160906T013947_012925_0146FD_CB01,POLYGON((59.219528 -25.338501,55.167442 -24.397045,56.165371 -20.766209,60.117138 -21.681158,59.219528 -25.338501)),2016-09-06T01:38:47.2567930Z,2016-09-06T01:39:47.9572470Z
S1A_EW_RAW__0SDV_20160906T013843_20160906T013947_012925_0146FD_4D7B,POLYGON((56.2841 -20.8911,55.1703 -24.7353,59.1506 -25.4293,60.1508 -21.5481,56.2841 -20.8911)),2016-09-06T01:38:43.1551440Z,2016-09-06T01:39:47.7809980Z
S1A_EW_RAW__0SDV_20160906T013743_20160906T013851_012925_0146FD_4958,POLYGON((57.2556 -17.3112,56.1469 -21.3795,60.0268 -22.041,61.0368 -17.9379,57.2556 -17.3112)),2016-09-06T01:37:43.1549910Z,2016-09-06T01:38:51.3541180Z
S1A_EW_GRDM_1SDV_20160906T013747_20160906T013847_012925_0146FD_522C,POLYGON((60.117226 -21.680801,56.16621 -20.766035,57.097313 -17.169895,60.968163 -18.060839,60.117226 -21.680801)),2016-09-06T01:37:47.2556800Z,2016-09-06T01:38:47.2508660Z

the same result is obtained with in-URL parameters specification query:

opensearch-client "” identifier,wkt,startdate,enddate

Note that the bounding box comas need to be encoded.
You can always use the URL directly into a browser.
The obtained result will be just the same in atom feed format as the following example shows:

In this example the user can see how to use the parameter count to modify the number of results “per page”. For example:

opensearch-client -p count=10 "” identifier,wkt,startdate,enddate

In order to have no limit in the response count use -p count=unlimited