How to publish scientific results on the GEP community map

Cloud services for science

Wherever you are working from to generate InSAR products (e.g. in the lab, on the GEP Cloud processing services), you might want to reach-out the Geohazards community active on the GEP Portal.
This is made easy as GEP can connect to powerful Cloud services such as (check the Geohazards community on Zenodo).
This way you can share and reference your scientific results towards both a wide audience on the Web via Zenodo, getting automated DOI and Citation record generation, and by the way share the geocoded layer products on the GEP Geobrowser.

How to guide

It takes only a few steps.
In a nutshell:

  • Sign-in on Zenodo and reach the previously mentioned Geohazards Exploitation Platform community collection
  • Click on the ‘Upload’ button and follow the guideline below fill-in and submit your Zenodo record
  • As part of this record inputs, you will have the possibility to upload actual result files. For the GEP Geobrowser, these geocoded files must be encoded as .PNG files, along with their geolocation information in a companion .PNGW file (the standard ‘World file’ convention).

Here is the detailed guideline.

Learn more

You can access hereafter some previous examples of products shared by the community on the Geobrowser for different events.

We are looking forward your contributions on Zenodo and GEP to help advance the Geohazards research area.