The Geohazards DevOps team at Terradue is pleased to announce the release 1.7.2 of the Geohazards Thematic Exploitation Platform
Changes in this version:
New features:
- [Improvements] Improve fluidity in user experience with a better management of the http web connections pools
- [Control Panel] Add function to copy job
- [Geobrowser] Added “Related Search” dropdown button on each feature popup
- [Geobrowser] Added pagination to Data Package panel
- [Geobrowser] Improved user awareness on search form parameter values kept across contexts
Fixed Bugs:
- [Data Package] Visibility change of processing jobs and to share data packages not working
- [GPOD] Gpod atom feed not loaded
- [Geobrowser] IE11 Incompatibility
- [Geobrowser] Impossible to drop the dataset in the input field
- [Geobrowser] When one or more elements of the Features Basket is not available, the data package doesn’t work at all
- [Geobrowser] Wrong handling of search error when geo:geom is incorrect
- [Geobrowser] Sharing operation doesn’t work on Firefox
- [Geobrowser] Public Job found but not listed
- [Geobrowser] Error when deleting data package
- [Geobrowser] Results not visible
- [Portal] Resolve broken links to images on the ‘initiative’ page
- [GSP] Remove extra volcanoes from the GSP VO-02 layer
Have fun!
- Geohazards DevOps team at