First Steps on the Platform

First thing you want to do as a new User to the platform is to explore the Communities. There are public communities that you can join by yourself and private communities that you need to be invited by the administrators into. The different communities are tailored for either different users or for different topics.

As a new user you should check out following public communities:

  • VISAT - Visualization and Analytics Toolbox (VISAT) is one of the main components of the platform. It allows you to create interactive visualizations of your geospatial data. In this community, you will see some of the possible results.

  • Sustainable Development Goals - One of the focus of the platform is to support Sustainable Development Goals monitoring in an urban area using Earth Observation data. Here you can see results and interesting information toward the topic.

  • Climate-fit - The community representing the Climate-fit project and its results. If you are interested in the Urban Heat Modelling this is the place to go.

The communities will have the same structure as the Starter one, you have already seen. They will provide different Links, Applications and Discussion Forums related to the topics.

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