How to create a Thematic Application

Where are Apps stored ?

Thematic applications are stored as atom feed in Terradue catalogue (e.g

How is organized an App ?

An app is using the OWS Context format, adapted for the purpose of the Thematic Applications. It contains the following parts:

Identifier: Unique identifier of the app

Title: Title of the app

Summary: Description of the app

Icon: Url to icon of the app

Authors: List of authors of the app


  • Keywords: List of keywords associated to the app
    <category term="keyword" label="Geohazards" />

  • App status: App status (e.g “Prototype”, “Under development”, …) displayed in the thematic app list
    <category term="appstatus" label="Under development" />

  • App type: App type (e.g “Products”, “Service”, …) displayed in the thematic app list
    <category term="apptype" label="Service" />


  • Search result tab: Offering present if the app contains the search functionality
    <owc:offering xmlns:owc="" code="" />

  • Feature basket tab: Offering present if the app contains the feature basket tab
    <owc:offering xmlns:owc="" code=""><owc:operation code="Description" href="file:///t2api/data/package/default/description" method="GET" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" /></owc:offering>

  • Data package tab: Offering present if the app contains the data package tab
    <owc:offering xmlns:owc="" code=""><owc:operation code="Search" href="file:///t2api/data/package/search?format=json" method="GET" type="application/json" /></owc:offering>

  • Wps services tab: Offering present if the app contains the WPS Services tab
    <owc:offering xmlns:owc="" code=""><owc:operation code="ListProcess" href="file:///t2api/service/wps/search?domain=esa&tag=gep,stemp" method="GET" type="application/json" /></owc:offering>

  • Store Upload:
    <owc:offering xmlns:owc="" code=""><owc:operation code="Search" href="" method="GET" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml"><datacontext xmlns="">My Repository/Results</datacontext></owc:operation></owc:offering>

  • Data contexts: List of data contexts (data collections) available in the app
    <owc:offering xmlns:owc="" code=""><owc:styleSet default="true"><owc:name>EO Data/Landsat-8</owc:name><owc:title>Default Data Collections</owc:title><owc:abstract>Landsat-8 collection</owc:abstract><owc:legendURL href="" /></owc:styleSet></owc:offering>
    <owc:offering xmlns:owc="" code=""><owc:operation code="DescribeDataset" href="" method="GET" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml"><datacontext xmlns="">EO Data/Landsat-8</datacontext></owc:operation></owc:offering>

  • Base Maps: List of background map available in the app
    <owc:offering xmlns:owc="" code=""><owc:styleSet default="true"><owc:name>Default</owc:name><owc:abstract>Default map</owc:abstract><type xmlns="">mapbox</type><owc:content>tepgeohazards.l6mdm2gn</owc:content></owc:styleSet></owc:offering>

  • Layers (wms): List of map layers available in the app
    <owc:offering xmlns:owc="" code=""><owc:styleSet default="false"><owc:name>ESA_UTEP:GlobalTimeScan2015_30_RGB_01_11_08</owc:name><owc:title>TimeScan-Landsat-2015 (RGB: max-NDBI, max-NDVI, mean-MNDWI)</owc:title><owc:abstract>TimeScan-Landsat-2015 (RGB: max-NDBI, max-NDVI, mean-MNDWI)</owc:abstract><type xmlns="">wms</type><attribution xmlns="">&copy; DLR - for licensing and data orders please go to</attribution><owc:opacity xmlns:owc="">0.5</owc:opacity><owc:transparent xmlns:owc="">true</owc:transparent><owc:content href="" type="image/png" /></owc:styleSet></owc:offering>

Start/End date: Start and End dates associated to the app

Geometry: WKT associated to the app
<spatial xmlns="">POLYGON((-21.797 34.597,52.383 34.597,52.383 62.593,-21.797 62.593,-21.797 34.597))</spatial>

How to save an App ?

Save first your app as an atom file (e.g globalapp-app.atom)

curl -u <username>:<apikey> -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/atom+xml" -H "Accept: application/xml" -d@globalapp-app.atom "<index>/"

If an app with the same identifier exists in the <index> index of the catalogue, it will be overwritten with the new content.

How to associate an App to a community ?

In the community management tab, insert the opensearch link which returns the App or a list of Apps.
Apps can be filtered using series (e.g

Create an App using the Editor tool

On the TEPs platforms, as starter or explorer user, I have access in the Thematic app discovery page to a button “Create new app” which directs the user to the App editor page (e.g!apps).
From this link, a user can create his own private thematic app. Administrators can use this to create apps also for other indexes.