In February we already started with the webinars but so far they weren’t regular. This changes now and from now on there will be webinar every month focusing on different topics about the platform. Every webinar is limited to 50 guests and the webinar will be recorded and will be publicly available to learn from those who didn’t manage to join. These are the nearest planned webinars:
22/07/2019 - 3 PM to 3:30 PM CEST
VISAT Version 3.0
In this instalment, we will present new applications created in the scope of VISAT. We will explore:
- The demonstration application for raising awareness in the context of Systematic Environmental Economic Accounting.
- The demonstration application for Sustainable Development Goals
- The example application demonstrating the comparison of Functional Urban Areas
We will also discuss the possibility to integrate your own data into these types of applications.
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19/08/2019 - 3 PM to 3:30 PM CEST
Processing on the platform
In this instalment of the webinar series, we will take a look at the processors prepared by the Urban TEP consortium.
- Subsetting of products available via the TEP Urban platform.
- Generation of the TimeScan from S2 and Landsat data.
- Zonal statistics for regions based on the TEP urban layers
As a part of this, we will also go into more detail about how Earth Observation Processing Services geobrowser works and how do you download your own shapefiles for the usage in a processor such as Zonal statistics.
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16/09/2019 - 3 PM to 3:30 PM CEST
Bring your own processors to the platform
In this instalment of the webinar series, we will take a look at the process of integrating your own processor. We will go through the possibilities with respect to where to deploy your processor, how do you access the data available via UTEP and how do you retrieve the results of your processing.
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20/05/2019 - 3 PM to 3.30 PM CEST
VISAT: Analysis in the existing scopes over existing data
- Create new charts
- Create thematic maps through years
- Multiple years comparison
- Export the data
- Share the results in different ways
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24/06/2019 - 5 PM to 5:30 PM CEST
Explore World Settlements Footprint 2015
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We are looking forward to seeing you on any of the webinars. All of the webinars will contain the dedicated time for questions and answers so if you are interested to discuss some of your topics related to UTEP feel free to join us.