New CNR IREA Sentinel-1 P-SBAS Processing On-demand Service deployment with Sentinel-1 Cache

Dear Users,
as announced some months ago, due to the data policy changes of our main data providers (i.e. DIAS, Copernicus Open Access Hub), Sentinel-1 acquisitions older than a few months have been put offline (i.e. in long term archives) and are no longer directly downloadable by the GEP processing services requiring an ordering step that can take from a few hours to one day before being accessible.

To mitigate this issue, a few months ago we made available a new utility, DIAS product Order, allowing you to order products to the ONDA DIAS before running the P-SBAS service. Nevertheless, this solution presented several problems and was yet far from being optimal.

In order to improve the quality of the service we have now completed a new deployment of the CNR-IREA P-SBAS Sentinel-1 Processing On-demand Service on a new infrastructure at EODC associated to a Sentinel-1 Cache Service providing access to online Sentinel-1 SLC data over predefined AOIs for the full time-span of the two Sentinel-1A/1B missions.

Access to this new instance of the service will be open tomorrow, 3rd September 2021 at 09:00 AM CEST.

To take full advantage of the cache service you will have to communicate to us in advance the areas where you plan to run the processing so that we can accommodate the related population of the cache service. This will release you from the ordering of the data (via the DIAS Product Order tool) and will insure at the same time the availability of the required Sentinel-1 products. We are convinced that this will dramatically improve your experience with the CNR-IREA P-SBAS Sentinel-1 Processing On-demand Service.

For this initial phase, please send your priority AOIs (as bounding boxes in kml or wkt format) to You will receive a notice back when the caching has been completed and you can start your processing.

Contact us through the usual support channels in case of any questions / issues.