Preparing the ESA Living Planet Symposium 2025

On behalf of the European Space Agency: the next ESA Living Planet Symposium 2025 will take place in Vienna, Austria, on 23–27 June 2025, under the overarching theme: “From Observation to Climate Action and Sustainability for Earth”. Principal Investigators from the satellite EO and geohazards community will be invited to submit ideas for Peer-Reviewed Sessions aligned with the overall LPS25 themes and subthemes. Please note, this is the first call in the following schedule:
> ESA Internal Call for Peer-Reviewed Session - April/May 24
> External Call for Peer-Reviewed Session (to complement the previous call) – July/September 24
> Call for Abstract – October/November 24
> Call for Invited Sessions (agoras, networking, etc.) - November 24/January 25

Peer-reviewed sessions are the traditional sessions where speakers are asked to submit an abstract to be reviewed. In terms of content, they can be scientific, technical but they can also deal with commercial or policy related topics, according to the LPS25 themes and subthemes listed below. Later in the schedule, ESA will also open the call for Invited sessions, such as round tables, agoras, networking events, hackathons, demonstrations, tutorials, etc.

Peer-reviewed Sessions must stimulate competitive submission of abstracts by the scientific community and possibly be attractive for a large number of prospective attendees (we expect rooms accommodating more than 150 seats ). Received proposals for sessions will be reviewed by the ESA LPS25 Programme Committee.

Below the list of themes and subthemes agreed by the LPS25 Programme Board:

Earth Science Frontiers: prove how exploiting existing and new mission data strengthens our understanding and modelling capabilities of the various interconnected systems of our planet.

Climate Action and Sustainability Challenges : demonstrate how Earth observation supports monitoring, mitigation and adaptation efforts to tackle environmental and societal challenges, thereby reducing the impacts of crises.

Earth Observation Missions : showcase findings from ESA’s Earth Observation Science, Copernicus and Meteorological missions along with results from national programmes. Additionally, present new concepts for sensors, missions and data products.

Digital Innovation and Green Solutions: explore the integration of digital technologies and tools to enable green solutions to revolutionise the market landscape. Illustrate innovations in ground operational frameworks and their impact on operational efficiency, interoperability, data management and operational services.

Partnerships with Industry for New Applications: stress the importance of building on existing partnerships and nurturing new alliances to widen access to capital to boost commercialisation, and further encourage dialogue within the New Space ecosystem.

Global Cooperation and Policy Support: highlight the impact and the adoption of space infrastructures and data in supporting European and international institutions, enabling policies and cooperation across diverse sectors encompassing energy, climate and sustainability.