GEP user account upgrade to access processing services

From 2015 to 2020, Member user accounts have been supported by the Early Adopters Programme:

Starting summer 2020, we are at a shift regarding the way user account upgrades are funded.

Currently, with the ESA Early Adopters Programme ending, you might want to consider the new ESA NoR Programme. You can read about it from here:

I am new in geohazards. I have a question, why can’t I see the service tab inside Procesisng services. I am trying to use COIN, Can you help me to start using the COIN service? what should i do to start using it?

Thank you in advance


Dear Martha,
thanks for contacting us.

For accessing the COIN service, you need to request for an account upgrade on the GEP platform.

By registering on GEP you are only getting access to a Visitor account by default:

  • this gives you basic access to the Geobrowser Global App functionality of the Portal, to search for EO resources and publicly shared publications, data products, and processing jobs with their result files.
  • this same logic applies within the Communities that you join while still having a GEP “Visitor” account. Their “Thematic Apps” will give you basic access to functionalities to search for EO resources and publicly shared publications, data products, and processing jobs with their result files, within that community.

On your “Application scenario” page, you can check our guidance about account upgrades.

We are currently at a shift regarding the way user account upgrades are funded.

Currently, with the ESA Early Adopters Programme ending, you might want to consider the new ESA NoR Programme:
You can read about it from here:

Hope this helps
Best regards

thank you, Eboissier so much for your kind information

