
AUTH-UJAEN Forum area dedicated to the GEP Service provider Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in a joint team with Microgeodesia Jaen, as contributors of the GEP Processing service SNAPPING TRE ALTAMIRA - Displacement Monitoring services Trainings - PanAfGeo Education & Training Corinth Rift Laboratory The Corinth Rift Laboratory (CRL-NFO; 21.35°E-22.5°E; 38°N-38.65°N) is centered between the cities of Patras to the west and Aigion to the east. It is one of the most seismically active zones in Europe. EPOS TCS community Applications - Volcanic Hazards Trainings - CRL School 2018 Trainings - CRL School 2017 Trainings - EO4SD Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia, June 18th-21st, 2019 Trainings - UGeohaz U-Geohaz training course Athens, Greece, June 3rd-4th, 2019 Terrain Motion Demo GEP services in the EOSC Marketplace Trainings - IGME - Geological Survey of Spain As part of the 2019 continuous training programme of the Geological Survey of Spain (IGME), a 25-hour course on “Introduction to radar interferometry (InSAR) to measure ground deformation” will be held at the IGME’s headquarters in Madrid from 16th to 20th December. The course content includes the introduction to some tools and services of the Geohazards Exploitation Platform (GEP), such as Diapason and the FASTVEL service developed by TRE-Altamira for generating differential interferograms and PSI-based mean displacement velocity maps Trainings - CRL School 2019 This space is used for exchanges at the CRL school 2019 about the Geohazards Exploitation Platform. Trainings - Unitar / Uganda workshop The increasing number and intensity of natural disasters in the past few years have had severe consequences in terms of human lives that were impacted, but also in terms of structural damage and economic losses. In years to come, extreme events will no longer be exceptions. Uganda is regularly affected by multiple natural hazards, including droughts, earthquakes, floods, landslides, and volcanoes. Flooding, particularly in low-lying areas, presents the largest risk. Each year, floods impact nearly 50,000 people and over $62 million in gross domestic product. Climate change is likely to increase average temperatures in Uganda up to 1.5 degrees Centigrade by 2030 and 4.3 degrees Centigrade by 2080. Rainfall variability and rising temperatures are expected to lead to higher incidences of droughts, water scarcity but also extreme weather related events which will likely increase population exposure to hydro-meteorological disasters such as heavy rainfall, floods and landslides (GFDRR 2017). ESA community Applications - Seismic Hazards GEP Portal user interface - Q&A This category is dedicated to questions and answers about the GEP Portal user interface, including user feedback and user discussions on the usage of the Portal features. CNRS EOST As part of the ESA funding for GEP, team at EOST (Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre) has integrated several processing services on GEP. You can read more on the GEP blog, from the following posts: Applications - Land Subsidence CNR IREA - SBAS Ground Motion Services Applications - Landslides Analysis
Topic Replies Views Activity
0 952 March 11, 2016
1 838 February 21, 2023
3 1455 October 10, 2022
4 830 September 14, 2022
0 844 June 28, 2022
2 562 January 27, 2022
2 479 November 3, 2021
1 735 September 21, 2021
0 661 May 21, 2021
0 622 February 26, 2021
0 795 September 21, 2019
1 839 May 19, 2020
3 669 September 2, 2020
0 470 July 29, 2020
1 699 May 19, 2020
3 802 April 15, 2020
0 543 February 9, 2020
1 645 February 7, 2020
3 851 January 24, 2020
0 522 January 12, 2020
1 552 January 8, 2020
7 903 January 3, 2020
1 1662 January 2, 2020
7 868 January 2, 2020
4 1624 November 22, 2019
1 571 November 14, 2019
1 1063 April 4, 2017
1 779 October 31, 2019
0 591 October 18, 2019
1 706 October 15, 2019